Victus Spiritus


5 Simple Steps To Change Yourself and the World

07 Apr 2009

In many ways discovering a life calling is a task that escapes us as we busily chase our next paycheck, grasp at distractions, and race after errands just in time to start all over the next day.  By allowing ourselves to become automatons others treat us as such, helping to further bury our spirits and our most powerful gifts.  If we can only quiet down the outside noise for a few moments, and look inward, powerful potential is waiting to be revealed.  Here are five simple steps to help move you towards unleashing that potential:

  1. Scour the canvas of your soul for a positive force that burns brightest
  2. Concentrate your conscious actions towards cultivating this energy with all your faculties
  3. Allow your passion the freedom to evolve
  4. Take notice of a subtle shift in the way you and others perceive your path.  What began as a fanciful enthusiasm has progressed into an ideal harmonic of what defines you.  This epiphany is a sign you have discovered your calling
  5. Share the nourished energy of your renewed focus with others via love, patience and compassion

There's too much beauty inside and around us to be blinded by painful mistakes or memories.  So try not to take life too seriously.  If you don't figure it all out immediately, persist and give it time to all come together.  At least that's what I'm doing.