The question was sent to me by a new friendĀ Matt Nowack as a form of blog chain letter, "What is your greatest weakness?" While I hate chain emails, I see an entirely different angle on this chain as the trail is public, and self revealing.
My answer is
- I'm afraid of being a coward
- I'm afraid of saying no, even when it's a damn good idea
- I'm afraid of losing my temper, and looking like a jackass
- I'm afraid of cackling madly out loud (I do this too often), at inappropriate moments that no one else finds humor in, but I find hilarious
- I'm afraid of letting go
- I'm terrified of unhinging all the mental locks that keep me well behaved and socially acceptable
- I'm afraid of being totally raw, genuine, and myself at all times
- I'm afraid of what people think of me, I can feel negative judgement and it angers me
- I'm afraid of showing too much affection for friends in public
- I'm afraid of writing what I really think, unfiltered all the time
- I'm afraid of giving every ounce and fiber of my being, because I still may fail
- I'm afraid of failure
- I'm afraid of great success, only to find out I'm just another worthless self absorbed asshole
- I'm afraid of walking down the dock, into the unknown ocean and never coming back to who I used to be
I'm continuing this chain by inviting friends to reveal their greatest weaknesses: Vladimir Vukicevic, and Terence Reilly
Chain originators: (so far I'm most impressed with Matt's fear, the rest sound like advantages!)