Victus Spiritus

home API draft 0

22 May 2010 is a message first service, where communication is king.

Today I'm taking a crack at documenting a brief api for, Victus Media's simple group messaging service. I expect there may be some changes and iterating while we home in on a solid framework. The first steps are important, and we've opted to expose as much of the process as possible while releasing an interesting alternative to other social web options. The examples shown are JavaScript access but any favorite web programming language will do.


send message
$.post("/sendmessage/"+user+"/"+escape(message), function(data){ alert(data.status); window.location.reload(); });

follow user

send message to group
$.post("/sendmessage/"+user+"/"+escape("group:"+group+" "+message));

add subscription to group

Here's an example of javascript accessing the api which is active on the site.

Any questions, concerns, or corrections? Don't hesitate to contact us (messel at victusmedia dot com).