Victus Spiritus


Fuck you iOS dev team

27 Jun 2010

*update I rewrote the post*
My apologies for the rant without proper explanation. I should disclose since writing this post I've converted over our home network to Macs, and I have great respect for the design of the OS/hardware. This subtle change in the notepad app on iOS really caught me off guard.

iOS 4 now attempts to sync notes wiping them out

After spending an hour and a half writing up a post on analogies, machine intelligence and popular web apps that perform aspects of reasoning (abduction & Hunch*) the latest iPhone OS or iOS decided synchronizing notes would be nice and deleted 90% of the post. This is a new "feature" and invalidates my writing strategy of caching a local copy of a post before sending it to Wordpress to avoid data loss.

It's vexing losing time spent writing due to failed design, it's extraordinarily frustrating to lose hours of work because of short sighted feature upgrades.

*= I commend the team at (founders Caterina Fake and Chris Dixon) Hunch and similar knowledge systems for pushing machine intelligence forward through consumer applications. It's a creative and brilliant way to fuel research.