What you can do with 60 seconds
03 Sep 2010

You can
- quickly read this post
- watch a clock's second hand tick by, paying close attention to each moment as it slips away
- worry about something that you can't change
- decide to launch a startup that will revolutionize a novel market
- reminisce about emotional memories that define who you are
- scan a few emails and respond briefly
- read a Disqus reply and comment back to the author
- read updates from folks you follow on twitter or browse a list
- post a thought or share an article on a microblog
- take a morning picture and email it to everyone who follows you on tumblr or posterous
- install a mobile app a good friend or article suggests
- send a text message to your life mate to remind them how much you love them
- begin a how to tutorial for a potent developer tool
- call your parents and let them know you're safe and doing well
- imagine countless threads reaching out to inspect an ever growing virtual information space (map)
- observe the product of those tendrils refined back into a single message (reduce)
- donate $25 to an entrepreneur through Kiva and change a community
- reach out to a dear friend to let them know they are forever in your thoughts
- sketch out a simple interface with Balsamiq
- watch a third of a video which captures the spirit of Manhattan
- get pulled into another 60 seconds of watching...
- get pulled into a final 60 seconds of watching
- decide that every minute counts in the minute before we cease