Victus Spiritus


Rain Apocalypse, Time to build the Ark

24 May 2011


It's been a couple of weeks of east coast rain, with no signs of letting up. We had a tiny break last Saturday with peaks of sun, but I can see now that this is the rain apocalypse. I must have damned myself by cutting and pasting code once too often (how to stay DRY).

That will teach me to make light of the doomsayers. The endless rain and storms is playing havoc with my sinuses and more than a little depressing1.

Sure, this never ending cloudy rain thing is standard fair in places like Portland, but this is Sparta! spring time in New York. We prefer a little sunshine before the sweaty summer kicks in. At that point humidity drives folks back indoors (with air conditioners blasting around the clock), and to the beach for cool ocean breezes. I don't mind walking outdoors in 80-90F with humidity, but I'd much prefer cool, sunny and dry 60s, my ideal weather.

How to defeat the rain

1) Work. Work your ass off. 
2) Play games.
3) Sleep.
4) Go on vacation.
  1. You might as well bury yourself in code, documentation, books, or writing chapters of your memoirs, because you're not missing anything fun outdoors.
  2. Alternatively, this craptacular weather is a great time to level up your disturbingly old mage in Dragon Age 2, or clear conquest levels in Dynasty Warriors 7 with your wife.
  3. It goes almost without saying that this weather is ideal for sleeping. Coma out for a few days and wake up to the sun and some stinky bed sheets.
  4. My favorite option is getting out of town for a few days. Go explore somewhere beautiful and sunnier. A coworker and his family just got back from a bus tour through the Swiss alps, Austria, and Germany and absolutely loved it.


  1. On a more serious note, these storms took form as tragic tornadoes in the south, taking over two hundred lives in the past few weeks. I'm horrified at the catastrophe, but also surprised that the shelters and basements are able to protect so many when entire towns are destroyed. Storms must be terrifying in the Alabama region this time of year, the rare north east hurricane is mild in comparison