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How to guide
First thing you'll need to do is get SSH access to Hostmonster or your favorite Linux host.
From dropbox:
Step-by-step version
Log in to your Linux server so you obtain a shell prompt, and change to your home directory.
a. Stable 32-bit: (I installed the 32bit version, Hostmonster's default account)wget -O dropbox.tar.gz "http://www.dropbox.com/download/?plat=lnx.x86"Stable 64-bit:
wget -O dropbox.tar.gz "http://www.dropbox.com/download/?plat=lnx.x86_64"Sanity check to make sure we're not going to clog our home directory.
tar -tzf dropbox.tar.gzExtract
tar -xvzf dropbox.tar.gzMake sure the LANG environment variable is set to something other than NULL, e.g. en_US.iso88591.
If it is NULL, you'll get a cryptic error. (mine was NULL and it worked)Run dropboxd:
~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxdYou should see output like this:
This client is not linked to any account... Please visithttps://www.dropbox.com/cli_link?host_id=7d44a557aa58f285f2da0x67334d02c1 to link this machine.
Dropbox will create a ~/Dropbox folder and start synchronizing it after this step!
Go to the URL given; you should see a success message at the top of your screen.
From FuzedBulb's comment on dropbox's forum:
If you've the text based ".dropbox-distro" folder with you, you can try doing:
$ nohup ./.dropbox-dist/dropboxd &If HostMonster doesn't disallow background tasks, this will keep the daemon running in the background even when you have logged out from shell.
After this I symbolic linked my public directory under public_html.
cd to public_html ln -s ~/Dropbox/Public DropboxPublic
It's still copying information over but the dropbox daemon did stop at one point. I'll have to look into what may have caused it, any suggestions appreciated.