Victus Spiritus


A million miles away, but still at home when we have Net access

01 Jun 2010

this pic was before we left
I was bombarded by a series of dreams last night although most faded fast from my conscious attention. My brain's busy synthesizing events of the past week leading up to our wedding. A quick conclusion: travelling at least once or twice a year is good for the mind. For the same reason I enjoy the diversity of opinions in comment sections, I value how our own views change as we travel and explore communities away from home.

Neither my wife Michelle nor I were very comfortable for 12 hours of flying or waiting at the airport between legs. I really enjoy walking, cramped sitting not so much. When we did have device power and Net access we had a chance to enjoy:

Restricted Net Access

Michelle and I have 3G, but our signal access was cut off while flying (airplane mode) and flakey on our layover. It's solid at our hotel destination Maui (5 bars at the hotel), if only I could tether without jailbreaking the devices. We had no available Internet on one leg flying American Airlines (LA to Maui), and expensive Net access ($13 bucks) on the first leg (NY to LA) which we passed on. The definition of terrible Wi-Fi and Wireless data has an image of LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) proudly above it. Worst Net access ever, unless you're a member of the admiral's club with T-Mobile a $100 for one time access (2 of us) or $500 for a years access is out of our price range.

The local wifi at our hotel has a pricetag of $60/week which means we'll be living off 3G here unless we find a coffee shop with free wifi. We're planning out some of our stay today and getting a lay of the land (no pun intended). We both heard that the helicopter ride around the island is a must do experience.

Here are a few random photos of the journey: