Victus Spiritus


Brushing Up on Computer Science Part 3, Data Structures

16 Mar 2011

"The difference between a bad programmer and a good one is whether he considers his code or his data structures more important. Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships"
Linus Torvalds


In this third chapter overviewing computer science the thrill ride continues. I'll peak into the mind of madness, and give form to the chaos of raw information. Structured data empowers developers to move beyond the troublesome issues of I/O and manipulation, and frees their minds to consider the flow of data between well understood containers.

  1. Intro and Big O
  2. Object Oriented Programming
  3. Data Structures: arrays, lists, trees, hash tables
  4. Algorithms (searches, sorts, maths!)
  5. Graphs, Networks, and Operating Systems

Basic Variable Types or Primitives

Primitives are basic building blocks which have known size and known persistence (just beware of endianess or the byte order). The primitive types are similar between java and c/c++ and include: simple 8 bit/1 byte chars, booleans (usually 1 byte), 2 byte shorts, 4 byte integers (and pointers in c/c++), 8 byte long integers (long longs in c++), 4 floating point (IEEE), and 8 byte double precision floating point types. The collection of these primitive types allow optimized execution balanced with storage size.

Collections (not the repo man)

data types
The trade offs between choices of data structures are based on space, search, insertion and deletion times. I'll mention big O values for a selection of operations but I don't have a full table of those handy (if you know of a great image/table please let me know).

Examples of Data Structures

Case Study: CouchDB BTree Storage

Internal storage is JSON data in a B-Tree structure. This framework enables O(log N) speed lookups, insertions and deletions. The following diagram, from the definitive guide eventual consistency section, shows how a view request is handled:

An important restriction that feeds directly into CouchDB's ability to scale, documents are accessible only by key, and rely on multi-version concurrency control to manage concurrent access (no locking).

STL and Boost Data Structures

STL and Boost are libraries which support many advanced data types for c++. Before STL was heavily adopted as a standard, my coworkers and I developed our own basic data structures (arrays, lists, vectors, matrices, etc) using templates. The good news is, they're much easier to step into when something goes wrong :).

Red Black Tree (sorted has interface in Ruby)

The Ruby implementation of the RBTree is a sorted associative collection.

RBTree is a sorted associative collection that is implemented with Red-Black Tree. The elements of RBTree are ordered and its interface is the almost same as Hash, so simply you can consider RBTree sorted Hash.

Red-Black Tree is a kind of binary tree that automatically balances by itself when a node is inserted or deleted. Thus the complexity for insert, search and delete is O(log N) in expected and worst case. On the other hand the complexity of Hash is O(1). Because Hash is unordered the data structure is more effective than Red-Black Tree as an associative collection.